Home > Young Scholar > Chaire de coopération Desjardins-Guy Bernier, UQAM
Chaire de coopération Desjardins-Guy Bernier, UQAM
Description of the organization
The mission of the Desjardins Cooperative Chair – Guy Bernier is to stimulate and promote reflection and exchange on cooperatives in a society undergoing various changes in the economic, social, and demographic environment. The reflection focuses as much on values, principles, and discourse as on best cooperative practices.
Find out more: https://chaire-ccgb.uqam.ca/
First 10 registrants among the PhD students.
Value of a student registration fee for the conference.
Selection criteria
First 10 registrants among the PhD students.
How to submit a request
Send by email to info@icaccr2025.org. Be sure to include the following in your application:
Proof of enrollment at a home university. The document must clearly display the student's full name, the term, the university's name, and confirm that they are duly enrolled.
A copy of the internal page of your passport.
Please include the following information in the subject line: ICA CCR 2025 Conference: Application for PhD Students' Registration Fee Support.