Welcome to your registration!
We are so looking forward to meeting you!
Registration for the Conference takes place in 4 easy steps:
1. Identify if you are eligible for a discount on your registration fees.
2. Read the descriptions to select the registration package that suits you best.
3. Complete the online registration form.
4. Proceed with the online payment of the fees.
Step 1: Discounted registration fees
For all discount codes, please read the procedure to obtain such codes. Note that it is important to get the code before registering as no discount, reimbursement or reduced rate can be applied retroactively.
Researchers who have never published or who do not have all their publications on PortailCoop, the world’s largest digital library on cooperatives, are eligible to receive a 20% discount on either the early bird or the regular registration fees, if they publish their work on PortailCoop. Read more information on the procedure to obtain a PortailCoop discount code.
Students are also eligible for a reduced Conference fee. Read more information on the procedure to obtain a student discount code.
Participants from Least Developed Countries (LDC) are encouraged to attend and will benefit from a reduced Conference fee (equivalent to the student rate) if they submit the necessary documentation to info@icaccr2025.org. Read more information on the procedure to obtain a LDC discount code.
Step 2: Selecting the package that suits you best
Please the take the time to review the different options before making your selection. Once you know the best option for you, click on the “Go to the registration form” button at the bottom of this page. All taxes are included in all prices listed below.
Step 3: Ready to register?
Question or comment?
View our Terms and Conditions.
Contact us at info@icaccr2025.org
Contact Us
3rd floor, yellow section, office 3.841
3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte Catherine Montreal (Quebec) H3T 2A7