Home > Young Scholar > The Centre for Research in Ethics (CRÉ)
The Centre for Research in Ethics (CRÉ)
Description of the organization
The CRÉ brings together researchers from Quebec, Canada, and around the world who approach ethical issues from various disciplinary perspectives.
To learn more about CRÉ: https://www.lecre.umontreal.ca/
Research stream
The work of the CRÉ is organized around five main areas: fundamental ethics; ethics and politics; ethics and economics; environmental and animal ethics; and ethics and health.
The CRÉ also focuses on several key themes: ethics of artificial intelligence, feminist ethics, and anti-racism and decolonization.
Students must be enrolled at a university and have their abstract accepted for a presentation (Not eligible for postdoctoral researchers).
2500 CAD – mandatory deposit in one of the following currencies: CAD, USD, or EUR
Selection criteria
(1) The quality of the communication proposal.
(2) Financial need.
(3) The impact of participation in the conference on the candidate's career/professional development.
How to submit a request
Send by email to info@icaccr2025.org a copy of the communication proposal along with a 500-word text justifying the financial need and the impact of participation in the conference on the candidate's career/professional development.
Please include in your application:
Proof of enrollment at a home university. The document must clearly display the student's full name, the term (it must be the term during which the scholarship is to be awarded), the university's name, and confirm that they are duly enrolled.
A copy of the internal page of the passport.
Please include the following information in the subject line: ICA CCR 2025 Conference: Application for the CRÉ Ethics Scholarship.