Home > Young Scholar > The Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET)

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The Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET)

Description of the organization

The Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) of the Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET) was founded in 2012. It is a community of students, young professionals and researchers from across the globe pursuing new and critical ways of thinking about the economy.

Find out more: https://ysi.ineteconomics.org/

Research stream

Students presenting in any of the research streams at this conference can apply.


Master's students, doctoral researchers, post-docs, junior researchers in institutions (less than 5 years of experience as researcher). To be eligible, students must submit a paper to one of the research streams and have it accepted.


2 financial support offerings for participants from Europe, 2 from America, 2 from Africa, and 2 from Asia-Pacific. Selected applicants will receive their funds in USD, generally via PayPal.

Selection criteria

Applicants must have submitted an abstract and been accepted for presentation. Applicants must also complete the information on a Google form.

  • Applications will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • The clarity of the proposal

  • The relevance of the subject to the movement

  • Adherence to the themes of the YES workshop

  • Commitment to the YES network

How to submit a request

Please complete this Google form by January 15, 2025, on the ICA CCR Yes webpage.