Home > Young Scholar > The Québec Circular Economy Research Network (RRECQ)
The Québec Circular Economy Research Network (RRECQ)
Description of the organization
The RRECQ positions itself as a leader in research in the field of circular economy, both at the Quebec level and internationally.
To learn more: https://rrecq.ca/
Research stream
Development of knowledge and innovation, both social and technological, in addition to playing a role in promoting the field by organizing scientific activities that encourage networking, advancement, and the transfer of knowledge related to the circular economy
Master's students, PhD researchers, post-doctoral researchers, and early-career researchers in institutions (less than 5 years of experience as researchers)
Two amounts of 2500 CAD available to cover travel and accommodation expenses.
Selection criteria
How to submit a request
Send by email to info@icaccr2025.org a copy of the communication proposal along with a 500-word text justifying the impact of participating in the conference on the candidate's career/professional development.
You may also, if you wish, briefly share any relevant information regarding your financial situation. Your information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and used solely for the purpose of evaluating your application.
Please include in your application:
Proof of enrollment at a home university. The document must clearly display the student's full name, the term, the university's name, and confirm that they are duly enrolled or employed.
A copy of the internal page of your passport.
Please include the following information in the subject line: ICA CCR 2025 Conference: Application for an RRECQ Scholarship in Circular Economy.