wide-angle photography of buildings during daytime

Stream 10

Innovation through inter-cooperation

Stream leads: Luc K. Audebrand (Laval University), Louis Cousin (Laval University & Paris-Saclay University), Devi Vijay (Indian Institute of Management)


The 6th cooperative principle—cooperation among cooperatives—states that "co-operatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the co-operative movement by working together through local, national, regional, and international structures" (International Co-operative Alliance, 2015). The ICA's Guidance Notes mainly emphasize the role of cooperative federations and associations as enablers of collective representation, visibility, advocacy, and economies of scale.

Surprisingly, the Guidance notes make no explicit link between cooperation among cooperatives and innovation. This gap is noteworthy given that the innovation management literature highlights inter-organizational collaboration as a key driver of innovation. Collaboration between organizations stimulates knowledge exchange, encourages specialization, and supports collective R&D strategies. Governance frameworks—such as hubs and professional associations—also play a critical role in facilitating inter-organizational innovation by fostering collective identity and trust.

While the 6th principle omits innovation, the innovation literature similarly underexplores alliances among cooperatives. This stream seeks to create a space for discussing the intersection of inter-cooperation and innovation. The following questions are posed to stimulate reflection:

  • Inter-cooperation and product/service innovations: Does inter-cooperation play a role in the design and development of products/services? How do cooperatives incorporate other cooperatives' offerings into their own development strategies? Does inter-cooperation foster knowledge exchange and facilitate product/service innovation, or does it stifle competition and act as a barrier?

  • Inter-cooperation and digital innovations: How does the principle of inter-cooperation influence digital innovation? Are cooperatives better equipped than non-cooperative organizations to pool resources, such as software, data, and standards? Are there examples of digital innovations that struggled or failed due to a lack of inter-cooperation?

  • Inter-cooperation and innovations for social justice: How do cooperatives organize to challenge institutions that perpetuate social exclusion? To what extent can inter-cooperative infrastructures promote inclusion and social justice? How do spatial configurations shape these infrastructures?

  • Inter-cooperation and governance of innovations: How do cooperative associations and federations support or hinder innovation within the cooperative movement? Are they adequately equipped to govern inter-organizational innovations? Can these associations adapt their governance models to meet the needs of collaborative innovation?